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Skeptics guide to the universe your skates to reality hello and welcome to the skeptics guide to the universe today is Wednesday May 22nd 2013 Steven Tyler Perry body watching hello everyone J novela hey guys 713 good evening everyone and we have a special guest ray this week Richard Sanders and in my case its good morning everybody actually been forgetting Evan when you do your greetings from around the world in the local time zone I think so oh yeah that's always a good idea or I could just do what I've been doing yeah me too short how are you been having really well I've been traveling and think I had the pleasure of bumping into a few weeks ago in the Czech Republic prize was great I will bust a guest service a scientific Film Festival cool down in the Czech Republic at Acadamy it was just a really fantastic time so um yeah I've been busy I've been traveling I want to know where we went to the UK giving to those countries on and before long I'll be getting on a plane heading for town Las Vegas next time that I will see you in Las Vegas sorry to a show so you have a lot of people in project I'm working on Tues wells traveling around the world who is working on projects TV in a meeting um I think the biggest thing I've been working on my very own radio show inspired by the old fashioned radio pasta and I finally Road Houston TX own game together and solar flare to be interested starry night in jail Richard emails me with dialogue and he goes uh give me a very short description writing really want to go into too much detail I was trying to get some feedback Richard if you remember I'm like what do you want and you're like to do it how to give too much away I put on like a voice that I thought would fit jean right and I after I heard producing edit it in your didn't even have anybody else to play of the week just me pretending in my head I'm hearing the other person's line it was so much easier in other people's voices in your head oh yeah believe me I don't really was the deficit for me at all really send out of my head to toe is better right I am sorry I listen to an early cut and I love it Richard you really did something excellent the whole project is awesome and no you had a man who did you have in your into voice acting we have everybody's involved in the skeptics many people I talk to Rachel of course run to give job in a movie hi Stephanie people who work I may not on the schedule as many of them together in one room is possible to get everybody on the same day and for a couple of hours we recorded dialogue
some good microphones I got the rest of the cost schedule around the world including yourself United States to send in their lines like you did and it was up to me to put them all together with a joint jig saw puzzle and sound effects and music um it took a month to live together funny I didn't think you wanted to do my to radio adventure and the reactions people over there right again telling me the two boxes there now to meet for coffee has to happen especially the part of me that good here should you go to cost for some reason I scroll down just a little bit you see there is a space adventure sweet hey speaking of happy turkey day everybody happy I'm sorry I mean happy Friday everybody that's that's that's the price is a bit funny because everything maybe in the 80's or something pride had some sort of necessity to today rule the world show you don't really need to keep Friday Friday Rebecca I have a question for ya are all geeks dorks or do you have to be a geek to be a dork no mosquito days are not dork dork geeks no no I think it requires a vast amount of knowledge about a particular subject what do before the battle is between peak in nurse real heavy weight loss we could do it in her pocket cast taxonomy of nerds dark so I took me twenty fifth is Friday at which started in 2006 like the first prize celebration Spanish at day cod idea does organ of freaky I apologize to all but its at the 25th is notable for several reasons: number one it was the day in 1977 that Star Wars A New Hope was released as we know it back then it's also Towel Day uh which is probably most appropriate for the cash Talladega Hitchhiker's Guide to the galaxy books yeah idea being that today you must you carry your towel around with you at all times because it's a handy a stool you could possibly on jatta always you know where your talents fuse in my favorite line from that part of the book says any man you can hit the length and breadth of the Galaxy rush its limit struggle against her Blige went through and still know where is Dallas is clearly a man to be reckoned with don't forget the best hours are soaking nutrients and have the tools and gadgets in the high and 11 other reason why May 25th is considered a geek Friday and is because your glorious 25th of May which is referenced in action series Discworld which I haven't read yet it's on my list to my next book to read so no spoilers Dale died in a row they don't drink the whole time how many movies can you say that about you sent me this item I miss read it as Greek Friday and what the hell does he like next week and I was just talking to my friend about how to keep Pride Festival thing coming up in a lot of fun because they said she's on fire flaming cheese gotta give us a quick update on the fake bomb detector sellers con artists come back yeah we talked about this before episodes ago uh the guy that's fake these bomb detector is that ended up being fancy looking divining rods James McCormick I was finally found out that he's going to jail for 10 years
Yeah I don't think 10 years is is even close to it long enough with this guy actually did those of you who don't know what I'm talking about real quick James McCormick decided that he was going to take AM a good novel t golf balls like finders a good joke if that you would give someone actually they found some place to buy these in bulk and he modified am putting stickers on them and then ended up selling them to governments as Bond actors and then what he did when she started making some money is he made his own and it looked a lot a lot more robust a lot cooler but the bottom line is that you didn't really do anything you want to do anything either and it was his whole premise was you take a piece of the substance a bomb whatever its money that you're looking for you trying to find the detector and you put it in a jar along with one of these stickers at Chipotle absorbs the essence of did whatever the substances that that piece of paper the sticker you put it inside the detector detector with and be able to detect that sucks out when you go to the airport and they do this to the rub you down with that little swab to put in a machine that machine is actually smelling the swab and seeing if there's any molecules of the bomb residue or whatever they're looking for on and look for a lot of different things that did this machine is doing that she doesn't have any electronic devices in this machine is not doing anything its a divining rod and he was selling these two governments under the idea that they could detect anything virtually anything as you Justin 20 miles under ground in whatever it is you want to do in meeting reversal machine next to all these different things well turns out that people actually died because this guy these are being used a checkpoint set and eat at bombs exploded people were injured I because this I'm so somebody coach I came from at work I judge Wichard home said you are the driving force in Seoul director behind this Friday device was useless the traffic out rages and your car building as a fraudster has to be considered to be of the highest order so they weren't kidding when they put a password on this guy a lot of a lot of people were blocking about this in shining in was a lot of people upset about it and I actually like I said earlier I don't like 10 years even close enough great and they did sees his money and your people are getting compensated that were injured in government spend a lot of money on this being compensated by 10 years of maximum sentence that surprise me that doesn't mean you can make an argument that he was directly related to the injury and killing hundreds of thousands of people and that's the maximum the cruise was convicted for that hit you use only convicted I guess for the fraud not for the death of people with different people who suffer because of those Texas ring use to charge you with more than pulling his the sentencing the judge did note that this is the maximum sentence he can give and he justified that he also noted that well it can't be proven that his actions led directly led to any different read is probable that it is a brat that was the reason they weren't able to legally prove that he directly caused the deaths and also which we go to that he's only going to spend five of those 10 years in custody in five on parole violation scroll J one of the things I find most interesting about the city stories because this is something I've been studying for many years of these is the word finding actually Khalidi of attractions went white water divining rod smooth and sweet and all the rest of it and what I say to me is that they would be soldiers train is at 10 min to using these devices to convince things would get along the road would be moving back and forth to its really interesting area reverse psychology yeah I agree I thought about that Richard people that are actually using the device walking up and down lanes of cars and dirty dirty things are getting a fact but after certain amount of time a false positives figure that they would even come to the conclusion that is BS
Virginia device always works except when it doesn't live in a quart did superstitious thinking of me though its a confirmation bias you can convince yourself that it works you when is absolutely no effect whatsoever many arguments along that line using people hurt people say will send the time that works and I get a chance one more quick quote I think paint a really clear picture of what's going on detective Superintendent Nigel rock was talking about with the judge was saying inside the courtroom and he said in finally and perhaps most importantly he has shown no shame here show no remorse and he carried on with complete Cavalier disregard for the consequences of his contract yeah he is a psychopath a high-quality ok Lisa got 10 years better than nothing should I bother going to tell us about an asteroid smacking into the police I sure did you guys did you see everywhere everywhere I look like to stay in my face but last March Westmark a meteoroid struck the moon visible to the naked eye if you happen to be looking at the right place at the right time I keep things like this happen to keep thinking about washing would be if you could actually just happen to be looking up and saw that and I of course I was thinking today I was pretty please no psychics predictions this up now is the right thing I normally take it one second something like this just like twice twice that would be very compelling and it's about that yeah um you guys catch yourself when you're looking at the moon that you're you know the back your mind like what if there's an impact Twilight while I'm with you I think about that all yeah the world so what's the status on the status with the media Roy sure you guys know the difference between between a meteoroid is a is in space a meteor as we didn't hear any to write it on the ground meteoroid was reportedly decided the small Boulder about a foot 4 30 meter across 88 pounds I called a big rock with you I would call that a small what what's the cutoff for see if it'll definition of jacket but I put across to be a big rock in it tomorrow AM. I love I love that name it was going I hope you're okay 56,000 miles an hour or 90 thousand okay 90,000 climate urs it was really looking and I often say to help a lot of kinetic energy now she thinks about 520 TNT so what yeah pretty pretty big on the go to video a video of it online to go to check it out it was visible to the naked eye in fact that it was great to be a fourth magnitude star and I'm going to be speaking going to the Greeks first class 5 stars by the brightness in this way I'm usually naked eye to practice is the one in the sky which is 6 and we can divide adapter that system in extended a bit so what you see what do you think what do you guys think public and see if the human eye can just barely make out I beg to six star what do you think about 625 360 30 degrees in front of me and I just want to know that each each subsequent number is 2.5 times dinner or try to go in for a example Sirius brightest star I said negative 1.4
The full moon is a negative 12.6 and the Sun is a negative 2628 so very very bright now the explosion is so its different on the moon it would have been on the earth right because there's no average for gas is off to a great on the moon I'll be sleep to the photons at work that we saw from the superheated papers in molten rock the week knighted atmosphere so disappointing headlines explosion of the most watched it and I was like um yeah that one pic sell it looks like I missed a computer movie I care now it was actually on over saturate the mean this type of event is unprecedented terms of the month and this is the only because anyone can see it but also biggest impact ever observed by the order of magnitude 10 times brighter than any recorded since the beginning I'm still looking up for these events starting in 2005 ADC about 300 vs a year so I guess that would be that there's what 610 did you get back in the Dark Side of the Moon to 600 600 Benz like that the price in years they looked not only because it's for the safety of future and I hadn't considered that but yeah if you can be living on the moon and I hope someday soon people will be you can need to know what you're dealing with tax and ironically big impacts like this they aren't even the main concern for these future happens if the base to base alpha right of the tiny millimeter size in taxes that are due to winter it's going to be really nasty micrometeorites they're much more common as you might imagine the holy spaces your habitat module very easily so scary for that reason they would probably have to wait another week to a very easy snuggles up underground if they could escape them and I recently came across this hole in one of the solar panels of the space station cause my one of these micrometer right things are right now she's really really do you went and I was messing that was interesting intervent which part of the shower of a meteorite that hit the Moon and Earth all around the same time and they calculated it worth it and they were I did almost identical or between the Earth and yes work out so this is this is to be a swarm of the right said they could happen annually for next year you know that you're going to be looking eye for this kind of thing on the pattern so they could help out today they were doing about India in the moon dennis is in the future so close up believe that the meteoroid was in fact a small boulder, do you know what the cuttoff is no I don't obviously 256 millimeters
Damn what a little less than a foot in diameter I disagree with that entire why do you determine sex shop that blows older lobby out of washing my rock you like a lady or something what do you call a rock that is 60 between 64 and 256 millimeters where to find rock stone cold in a boulder a stone oh I like that test is at work I'll come from uh no I don't know why 64 256 there um 256 multiples of 2 you know how you too just like just like you whatever 24 to 23 greatest hits that's crazy talk on TV you guys really with the DSM the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual yes I am my doctor says I have a very fine.. To deserve it in the news recently because version 5 was just released by the American Psychological Association and Addison's been shrouded in controversy for decades basically this is the official list of mental illnesses and disorders of diagnoses essentially their clinical diagnosis determined by a list of symptoms signs and symptoms and fifty came to standard that insurance companies use for reimbursement FTA uses for indications of medications and has also um I become important findings of research as well be doing research into mental illness I'm traditionally studies which followed DSM diagnosis like for example schizofrenia you would research into something associated with the official DS and diagnostic criteria for schizophrenia or a compulsive disorder were major depression or whatever time a revision comes along there's always a lot of discussion about which diseases were created which ones were eliminated which ones for combined or separate it out by for example this time around shooting is now its own disorder oh wow the part of obsessive-compulsive disorder do you think it is as an effective reality TV series was wondering about that has some TV shows yeah I don't know what's happening really in the industry at the moment that yet popular TV shows damn that's a weird coincidence they made I'd drinking wine schedule the dress sitting around with a bunch of other women with big boobs like that its own Real Housewives yes thank you guys are tired of waiting I hope I helped clean up an apartment of somebody died in order oh em gee that was a sight to behold you too is she going to TV when you walking through it did you give me some details basically you would walk in and do what you have to wait to the kitchen and it was a pathway to the couch and she be and that was pretty much it you really want to do too much more that place in the bedroom bedroom is covered in like 45 feet high on the bed everywhere days and days to clean all that stuff out it's amazing what people can get you doing with the show me this time around more than any other release there is another layer to the controversy surrounding the DSM in that is the entire theoretical basis for the DSM itself not the
Implementation for the execution of the DSM in terms of which diagnoses to to have but just the whole entire idea of of facing a mental illness diagnosis on a list of clinical signs and symptoms that are determined by consensus of expert opinion in fact the director of the National Institute of Mental Health Services really I think what you want a controversy this time around Thomas Insel put out a statement saying that the DNA NH is no longer going to use the DSM when determining research protocols for for mental illness what are they going to use they're going to you something else okay this is really interesting because there's multiple layers Halloween how much really going to be a lot of time talking about this one issue is how evidence-based vs opinion based are the specific diagnoses and critics argue that is largely opinion based and not terribly evidence-based however would put practitioners say is that people actually doing it is that deliberately pregnant widgets it's the clinical book it's not really meant to guide research is it so is it is a prep reg matic guideline for clinicians to help patients and is actually more true than you might imagine across the board medicine one thing that's been interesting is the psychiatry Christmas tree tonight years have been using this whole episode 2 year to launch in other cities in campaign against mental illness in again psychiatry my criticism of their rhetoric leave lots of criticism what they do is they Dalis criticisms of Psychiatry as if any specific the claim that they are unique to psychiatry which is just incredibly disingenuous indoor night Eve because there's none of the criticisms are you need to psychiatry the only exist to some degree in the rest of medicine and is and is a conflict between like real disease entities and pragmatic disease categories exist in the rest of medicine as well it in fact we often don't really care as much about giving a patient a specific diagnosis a specific pathologic pathophysiological diagnosis if that diagnosis does not specifically to a treatment were interested in is how is the patient presenting and what's the probability of respurces benefit for an intervention in an intervention includes a diagnostic test message to treatment so we end up treating based upon respurces benefit of how patients present not on the Evo she was a very specific disease and has a very specific treatment obviously that also occurs in medicine but that's probably more of an exception than a rule
And psychiatry is no different really bend the rest of medicine in this regard to the DS and maybe an extreme manifestation of this words all signed something basic clinical categories based impregnated Lee Designs for treatment rather than trying to identify specific biological entities but that's not necessarily a bad thing depending on its purpose now we flip it to the NIH does the research organization they want to do research into mental illness and in the director Thomas basically saying that this doesn't work for research that these entities are not necessarily even valid biologically and therefore when we try to do jeans studies or brain studies to try to figure out for example what does CD is and OCD is not a real category: a real biological category just a pragmatic clinical category then that Jews are researched a failure because we are studying something doesn't really exist so what she's recommending is actually stepping back from the DSM from these pregnant a clinical psychoses and trying to deconstruct how patient mental illness what are signs and symptoms are to try to relate them to add more fundamental you're a logical functions and then try to really like a few is nothing short of completely re categorizing all of mental illness along biological lines and then using that as a guide towards genetic and your scientific studies function right which is fine I think its a research approach that's all fine if you remember we recently interviewed Heather Berlin who does a CD research is no scientist and that's exactly what she said
Is that were trying to get really reduction is to try to figure out what fundamental unit of neurological function of behavior is really going on here what's the neurological corlateanu in time with that and let's try to study that rather than studying entire clinical syndromes with your mission ash Ave probably many different things hey discussion very interesting I think though what happened to miss a thing Thomas into way too far in his criticism of the DSN dad did misunderstand the context of the DS and it is a clinical document not really supposed to be a guide for research on so I think it's appropriate residency do you some sort of purpose because it is more prepared to say that it shouldn't be using the strait jacket for research it probably shouldn't even be use a straight jacket for your insurance company reimbursement maybe not even FDA drug indication that old does need to be rethought I also totally agree that the DSM diagnoses may not be biologically real entities discrete entities and their van but we know that you know that clinical diagnosis are placeholders that's what we call something until we understand the pathophysiology and what's interesting is that if you look at past back at the last hundred years of medical history this happens over and over again we started out with a clinical scheme of diagnosis just describing what we see I might get tons of examples in the two black p**** right about this to anyone for example is muscular dystrophies you have entities like fascio scapulohumeral muscular dystrophy or live in girdle muscular dystrophy just describing where people are weak I miss is it completely defined clinically insane heritage age of onset Italian hair patterns of inheritance and pattern of weakness another new clinical signs occur NFS for 50 60 70 years we start to actually understand the genetic mutations and how those genetic mutations translate into specific dystrophies a lot of those messages free categorized along genetic line now we turn now we have to be categorized in based upon their genetic mutation not their clinical presentation so the same thing will probably eventually happen more and more to psychiatry just hasn't happened yet again so make appointment with beef in promising for years a decade biological markers blood test to see how this person actually has autism or schitozophrenia
Just hasn't happened yet cancel that appointment with we've been promising for years a decade biological markers blood test to see how this person actually has autism earth friendly a supposed to just wanted to just not coming he's blaming that on the DSM I think it's more that because mental illness is horrific Lee complicated I think these are there were not going to have clean categories because there are no clean categories they don't exist did he said he's on how early I see at the edges think about the controversy that we had over the categorization of Pluto a planet burst 12th planet & trying to decide which line is between a planet and 12th planet right up to 5000 that's what you're talking about with mental disorders but its not only are they are hundreds of disorders such as one thing cleaner to clean it but there's multiple variables by which you can you think about it to find them and they don't a break out in any kind of clean way so you have all this overlap and all this fuzziness Anders just know there's never going to be a clean system I think of things at the extreme biological into the spectra were 50 years were going to have a completely revamped biological scheme of defining meant to live I think that rather go eat you always always going to be clinical criteria mixed in there because these about we may find genetic predisposition to do I don't think we're going to find genetic one gene mutation one disease kind of genetic disease activity found most of those other many biological markers and maybe a summarized markers that tell you would choose likely to have a disease or the probability of having a diagnosis the clinical manifestations you're going to be so variable that it's still going to find any easy categorization system and while I don't think I don't think the DSM is going to survive without massive changes over the next 50 years me to give it is a very much a dynamic document to change all the time I think that it will include more and more logical and no scientific markers were never going to completely get away from clinical diagnosis so it's easier to get very interesting science in general how do we define think how to categorize things ended medicine you know what is the approach that we take this so-called Dr House approach is very far from what actually happens in medicine most of the time country that one magical very specific diagnosis and want to find it we can share it you know that that happens but it's much more the exception to the rule it's more that we just take this is what may be going on and then everything else is probability respurces benefit from there Stephen city you using terms like entities I know why you using me to get the new context home discussion in the back of my mind the arguments from the Scientologists who are of course the enemies of psychiatry

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SGU Episode 410
25th May 2013
(brief caption for the episode icon)

SGU 409                      SGU 411

Skeptical Rogues
S: Steven Novella

B: Bob Novella

R: Rebecca Watson

J: Jay Novella

E: Evan Bernstein

Quote of the Week

What do you think science is? There's nothing magical about science. It is simply a systematic way for carefully and thoroughly observing nature and using consistent logic to evaluate results. Which part of that exactly do you disagree with? Do you disagree with being thorough? Using careful observation? Being systematic? Or using consistent logic?

Steven Novella on Reddit

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You're listening to the Skeptics' Guide to the Universe, your escape to reality.

This Day in Skepticism ()

May 25 - Geek Pride Day

News Items

McCormick Sentenced ()

Meteroid hits Moon ()

DSM-5 ()

Placenta Madness ()

Who's That Noisy? ()

Puzzle: A bank teller made a mistake today. The teller switched the dollars and cents when they cashed a check for Mrs. Jones, giving her dollars instead of cents and cents instead of dollars. After buying a newspaper for 5 cents, Mrs. Jones realized that she had remaining exactly twice as much as the original check. What was the amount of the original check?

Questions and Emails ()

Question #1: Water Heaters ()

Follow Up

Question #2: Creationist Interview ()

Hi, my name is Frank, I have been listening to the Podcast for the past year and love the show and would like to thank you for making my 4:30 am gym visits fun and interesting. I am a mechanical engineer, and work for a MEP consulting firm and specialize in healthcare, laboratory and high-rise and skyscraper design. At full disclosure, I am also a Christian. I just listened to Pod Case 408, the Don Mcleroy Interview, I very much enjoyed it, but it was painful to listen to. Don presented no hard facts or studies and kept presenting his interpretation of popular books. When I design a building, I start with the prevailing laws, building codes and standards and base all my design and calculations on a foundation of fluid dynamics, heat transfer and strength of materials. At the end of the day, I have to be able to defend my design, I could never simply depend on a popular engineering rule of thumb. I love the Podcast, but honestly, Don may not have been a great choice, he failed to argue his case from any solid studies. Is there anyone out there who can argue the side of intelligent design by presenting potentially hard facts and studies? I believe in evolution, but would love to here a solid discussion presenting both sides. Thank you Frank Denisi Boston

Science or Fiction ()

Item #1: New research finds that vitamin C can effectively kill even highly drug resistant tuberculosis bacteria. Item #2:A new analysis finds that the US has enough land and water resources to grow enough algae for biofuel to meet 100% of our fuel needs. Item #3:A recent study finds that bed sharing increases the risk of cot death, or sudden infant death syndrome, by fivefold.

Skeptical Quote of the Week ()

What do you think science is? There's nothing magical about science. It is simply a systematic way for carefully and thoroughly observing nature and using consistent logic to evaluate results. Which part of that exactly do you disagree with? Do you disagree with being thorough? Using careful observation? Being systematic? Or using consistent logic?

Steven Novella

Announcements ()

S: The Skeptics' Guide to the Universe is produced by SGU Productions, dedicated to promoting science and critical thinking. For more information on this and other episodes, please visit our website at, where you will find the show notes as well as links to our blogs, videos, online forum, and other content. You can send us feedback or questions to Also, please consider supporting the SGU by visiting the store page on our website, where you will find merchandise, premium content, and subscription information. Our listeners are what make SGU possible.


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Skeptics guide to the universe your skates to reality hello and welcome to the skeptics guide to the universe today is Wednesday May 22nd 2013 Steven Tyler Perry body watching hello everyone J novela hey guys 713 good evening everyone and we have a special guest ray this week Richard Sanders and in my case its good morning everybody actually been forgetting Evan when you do your greetings from around the world in the local time zone I think so oh yeah that's always a good idea or I could just do what I've been doing yeah me too short how are you been having really well I've been traveling and think I had the pleasure of bumping into a few weeks ago in the Czech Republic prize was great I will bust a guest service a scientific Film Festival cool down in the Czech Republic at Acadamy it was just a really fantastic time so um yeah I've been busy I've been traveling I want to know where we went to the UK giving to those countries on and before long I'll be getting on a plane heading for town Las Vegas next time that I will see you in Las Vegas sorry to a show so you have a lot of people in project I'm working on Tues wells traveling around the world who is working on projects TV in a meeting um I think the biggest thing I've been working on my very own radio show inspired by the old fashioned radio pasta and I finally Road Houston TX own game together and solar flare to be interested starry night in jail Richard emails me with dialogue and he goes uh give me a very short description writing really want to go into too much detail I was trying to get some feedback Richard if you remember I'm like what do you want and you're like to do it how to give too much away I put on like a voice that I thought would fit jean right and I after I heard producing edit it in your didn't even have anybody else to play of the week just me pretending in my head I'm hearing the other person's line it was so much easier in other people's voices in your head oh yeah believe me I don't really was the deficit for me at all really send out of my head to toe is better right I am sorry I listen to an early cut and I love it Richard you really did something excellent the whole project is awesome and no you had a man who did you have in your into voice acting we have everybody's involved in the skeptics many people I talk to Rachel of course run to give job in a movie hi Stephanie people who work I may not on the schedule as many of them together in one room is possible to get everybody on the same day and for a couple of hours we recorded dialogue

some good microphones I got the rest of the cost schedule around the world including yourself United States to send in their lines like you did and it was up to me to put them all together with a joint jig saw puzzle and sound effects and music um it took a month to live together funny I didn't think you wanted to do my to radio adventure and the reactions people over there right again telling me the two boxes there now to meet for coffee has to happen especially the part of me that good here should you go to cost for some reason I scroll down just a little bit you see there is a space adventure sweet hey speaking of happy turkey day everybody happy I'm sorry I mean happy Friday everybody that's that's that's the price is a bit funny because everything maybe in the 80's or something pride had some sort of necessity to today rule the world show you don't really need to keep Friday Friday Rebecca I have a question for ya are all geeks dorks or do you have to be a geek to be a dork no mosquito days are not dork dork geeks no no I think it requires a vast amount of knowledge about a particular subject what do before the battle is between peak in nurse real heavy weight loss we could do it in her pocket cast taxonomy of nerds dark so I took me twenty fifth is Friday at which started in 2006 like the first prize celebration Spanish at day cod idea does organ of freaky I apologize to all but its at the 25th is notable for several reasons: number one it was the day in 1977 that Star Wars A New Hope was released as we know it back then it's also Towel Day uh which is probably most appropriate for the cash Talladega Hitchhiker's Guide to the galaxy books yeah idea being that today you must you carry your towel around with you at all times because it's a handy a stool you could possibly on jatta always you know where your talents fuse in my favorite line from that part of the book says any man you can hit the length and breadth of the Galaxy rush its limit struggle against her Blige went through and still know where is Dallas is clearly a man to be reckoned with don't forget the best hours are soaking nutrients and have the tools and gadgets in the high and 11 other reason why May 25th is considered a geek Friday and is because your glorious 25th of May which is referenced in action series Discworld which I haven't read yet it's on my list to my next book to read so no spoilers Dale died in a row they don't drink the whole time how many movies can you say that about you sent me this item I miss read it as Greek Friday and what the hell does he like next week and I was just talking to my friend about how to keep Pride Festival thing coming up in a lot of fun because they said she's on fire flaming cheese gotta give us a quick update on the fake bomb detector sellers con artists come back yeah we talked about this before episodes ago uh the guy that's fake these bomb detector is that ended up being fancy looking divining rods James McCormick I was finally found out that he's going to jail for 10 years

Yeah I don't think 10 years is is even close to it long enough with this guy actually did those of you who don't know what I'm talking about real quick James McCormick decided that he was going to take AM a good novel t golf balls like finders a good joke if that you would give someone actually they found some place to buy these in bulk and he modified am putting stickers on them and then ended up selling them to governments as Bond actors and then what he did when she started making some money is he made his own and it looked a lot a lot more robust a lot cooler but the bottom line is that you didn't really do anything you want to do anything either and it was his whole premise was you take a piece of the substance a bomb whatever its money that you're looking for you trying to find the detector and you put it in a jar along with one of these stickers at Chipotle absorbs the essence of did whatever the substances that that piece of paper the sticker you put it inside the detector detector with and be able to detect that sucks out when you go to the airport and they do this to the rub you down with that little swab to put in a machine that machine is actually smelling the swab and seeing if there's any molecules of the bomb residue or whatever they're looking for on and look for a lot of different things that did this machine is doing that she doesn't have any electronic devices in this machine is not doing anything its a divining rod and he was selling these two governments under the idea that they could detect anything virtually anything as you Justin 20 miles under ground in whatever it is you want to do in meeting reversal machine next to all these different things well turns out that people actually died because this guy these are being used a checkpoint set and eat at bombs exploded people were injured I because this I'm so somebody coach I came from at work I judge Wichard home said you are the driving force in Seoul director behind this Friday device was useless the traffic out rages and your car building as a fraudster has to be considered to be of the highest order so they weren't kidding when they put a password on this guy a lot of a lot of people were blocking about this in shining in was a lot of people upset about it and I actually like I said earlier I don't like 10 years even close enough great and they did sees his money and your people are getting compensated that were injured in government spend a lot of money on this being compensated by 10 years of maximum sentence that surprise me that doesn't mean you can make an argument that he was directly related to the injury and killing hundreds of thousands of people and that's the maximum the cruise was convicted for that hit you use only convicted I guess for the fraud not for the death of people with different people who suffer because of those Texas ring use to charge you with more than pulling his the sentencing the judge did note that this is the maximum sentence he can give and he justified that he also noted that well it can't be proven that his actions led directly led to any different read is probable that it is a brat that was the reason they weren't able to legally prove that he directly caused the deaths and also which we go to that he's only going to spend five of those 10 years in custody in five on parole violation scroll J one of the things I find most interesting about the city stories because this is something I've been studying for many years of these is the word finding actually Khalidi of attractions went white water divining rod smooth and sweet and all the rest of it and what I say to me is that they would be soldiers train is at 10 min to using these devices to convince things would get along the road would be moving back and forth to its really interesting area reverse psychology yeah I agree I thought about that Richard people that are actually using the device walking up and down lanes of cars and dirty dirty things are getting a fact but after certain amount of time a false positives figure that they would even come to the conclusion that is BS

Virginia device always works except when it doesn't live in a quart did superstitious thinking of me though its a confirmation bias you can convince yourself that it works you when is absolutely no effect whatsoever many arguments along that line using people hurt people say will send the time that works and I get a chance one more quick quote I think paint a really clear picture of what's going on detective Superintendent Nigel rock was talking about with the judge was saying inside the courtroom and he said in finally and perhaps most importantly he has shown no shame here show no remorse and he carried on with complete Cavalier disregard for the consequences of his contract yeah he is a psychopath a high-quality ok Lisa got 10 years better than nothing should I bother going to tell us about an asteroid smacking into the police I sure did you guys did you see everywhere everywhere I look like to stay in my face but last March Westmark a meteoroid struck the moon visible to the naked eye if you happen to be looking at the right place at the right time I keep things like this happen to keep thinking about washing would be if you could actually just happen to be looking up and saw that and I of course I was thinking today I was pretty please no psychics predictions this up now is the right thing I normally take it one second something like this just like twice twice that would be very compelling and it's about that yeah um you guys catch yourself when you're looking at the moon that you're you know the back your mind like what if there's an impact Twilight while I'm with you I think about that all yeah the world so what's the status on the status with the media Roy sure you guys know the difference between between a meteoroid is a is in space a meteor as we didn't hear any to write it on the ground meteoroid was reportedly decided the small Boulder about a foot 4 30 meter across 88 pounds I called a big rock with you I would call that a small what what's the cutoff for see if it'll definition of jacket but I put across to be a big rock in it tomorrow AM. I love I love that name it was going I hope you're okay 56,000 miles an hour or 90 thousand okay 90,000 climate urs it was really looking and I often say to help a lot of kinetic energy now she thinks about 520 TNT so what yeah pretty pretty big on the go to video a video of it online to go to check it out it was visible to the naked eye in fact that it was great to be a fourth magnitude star and I'm going to be speaking going to the Greeks first class 5 stars by the brightness in this way I'm usually naked eye to practice is the one in the sky which is 6 and we can divide adapter that system in extended a bit so what you see what do you think what do you guys think public and see if the human eye can just barely make out I beg to six star what do you think about 625 360 30 degrees in front of me and I just want to know that each each subsequent number is 2.5 times dinner or try to go in for a example Sirius brightest star I said negative 1.4

The full moon is a negative 12.6 and the Sun is a negative 2628 so very very bright now the explosion is so its different on the moon it would have been on the earth right because there's no average for gas is off to a great on the moon I'll be sleep to the photons at work that we saw from the superheated papers in molten rock the week knighted atmosphere so disappointing headlines explosion of the most watched it and I was like um yeah that one pic sell it looks like I missed a computer movie I care now it was actually on over saturate the mean this type of event is unprecedented terms of the month and this is the only because anyone can see it but also biggest impact ever observed by the order of magnitude 10 times brighter than any recorded since the beginning I'm still looking up for these events starting in 2005 ADC about 300 vs a year so I guess that would be that there's what 610 did you get back in the Dark Side of the Moon to 600 600 Benz like that the price in years they looked not only because it's for the safety of future and I hadn't considered that but yeah if you can be living on the moon and I hope someday soon people will be you can need to know what you're dealing with tax and ironically big impacts like this they aren't even the main concern for these future happens if the base to base alpha right of the tiny millimeter size in taxes that are due to winter it's going to be really nasty micrometeorites they're much more common as you might imagine the holy spaces your habitat module very easily so scary for that reason they would probably have to wait another week to a very easy snuggles up underground if they could escape them and I recently came across this hole in one of the solar panels of the space station cause my one of these micrometer right things are right now she's really really do you went and I was messing that was interesting intervent which part of the shower of a meteorite that hit the Moon and Earth all around the same time and they calculated it worth it and they were I did almost identical or between the Earth and yes work out so this is this is to be a swarm of the right said they could happen annually for next year you know that you're going to be looking eye for this kind of thing on the pattern so they could help out today they were doing about India in the moon dennis is in the future so close up believe that the meteoroid was in fact a small boulder, do you know what the cuttoff is no I don't obviously 256 millimeters

Damn what a little less than a foot in diameter I disagree with that entire why do you determine sex shop that blows older lobby out of washing my rock you like a lady or something what do you call a rock that is 60 between 64 and 256 millimeters where to find rock stone cold in a boulder a stone oh I like that test is at work I'll come from uh no I don't know why 64 256 there um 256 multiples of 2 you know how you too just like just like you whatever 24 to 23 greatest hits that's crazy talk on TV you guys really with the DSM the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual yes I am my doctor says I have a very fine.. To deserve it in the news recently because version 5 was just released by the American Psychological Association and Addison's been shrouded in controversy for decades basically this is the official list of mental illnesses and disorders of diagnoses essentially their clinical diagnosis determined by a list of symptoms signs and symptoms and fifty came to standard that insurance companies use for reimbursement FTA uses for indications of medications and has also um I become important findings of research as well be doing research into mental illness I'm traditionally studies which followed DSM diagnosis like for example schizofrenia you would research into something associated with the official DS and diagnostic criteria for schizophrenia or a compulsive disorder were major depression or whatever time a revision comes along there's always a lot of discussion about which diseases were created which ones were eliminated which ones for combined or separate it out by for example this time around shooting is now its own disorder oh wow the part of obsessive-compulsive disorder do you think it is as an effective reality TV series was wondering about that has some TV shows yeah I don't know what's happening really in the industry at the moment that yet popular TV shows damn that's a weird coincidence they made I'd drinking wine schedule the dress sitting around with a bunch of other women with big boobs like that its own Real Housewives yes thank you guys are tired of waiting I hope I helped clean up an apartment of somebody died in order oh em gee that was a sight to behold you too is she going to TV when you walking through it did you give me some details basically you would walk in and do what you have to wait to the kitchen and it was a pathway to the couch and she be and that was pretty much it you really want to do too much more that place in the bedroom bedroom is covered in like 45 feet high on the bed everywhere days and days to clean all that stuff out it's amazing what people can get you doing with the show me this time around more than any other release there is another layer to the controversy surrounding the DSM in that is the entire theoretical basis for the DSM itself not the

Implementation for the execution of the DSM in terms of which diagnoses to to have but just the whole entire idea of of facing a mental illness diagnosis on a list of clinical signs and symptoms that are determined by consensus of expert opinion in fact the director of the National Institute of Mental Health Services really I think what you want a controversy this time around Thomas Insel put out a statement saying that the DNA NH is no longer going to use the DSM when determining research protocols for for mental illness what are they going to use they're going to you something else okay this is really interesting because there's multiple layers Halloween how much really going to be a lot of time talking about this one issue is how evidence-based vs opinion based are the specific diagnoses and critics argue that is largely opinion based and not terribly evidence-based however would put practitioners say is that people actually doing it is that deliberately pregnant widgets it's the clinical book it's not really meant to guide research is it so is it is a prep reg matic guideline for clinicians to help patients and is actually more true than you might imagine across the board medicine one thing that's been interesting is the psychiatry Christmas tree tonight years have been using this whole episode 2 year to launch in other cities in campaign against mental illness in again psychiatry my criticism of their rhetoric leave lots of criticism what they do is they Dalis criticisms of Psychiatry as if any specific the claim that they are unique to psychiatry which is just incredibly disingenuous indoor night Eve because there's none of the criticisms are you need to psychiatry the only exist to some degree in the rest of medicine and is and is a conflict between like real disease entities and pragmatic disease categories exist in the rest of medicine as well it in fact we often don't really care as much about giving a patient a specific diagnosis a specific pathologic pathophysiological diagnosis if that diagnosis does not specifically to a treatment were interested in is how is the patient presenting and what's the probability of respurces benefit for an intervention in an intervention includes a diagnostic test message to treatment so we end up treating based upon respurces benefit of how patients present not on the Evo she was a very specific disease and has a very specific treatment obviously that also occurs in medicine but that's probably more of an exception than a rule

And psychiatry is no different really bend the rest of medicine in this regard to the DS and maybe an extreme manifestation of this words all signed something basic clinical categories based impregnated Lee Designs for treatment rather than trying to identify specific biological entities but that's not necessarily a bad thing depending on its purpose now we flip it to the NIH does the research organization they want to do research into mental illness and in the director Thomas basically saying that this doesn't work for research that these entities are not necessarily even valid biologically and therefore when we try to do jeans studies or brain studies to try to figure out for example what does CD is and OCD is not a real category: a real biological category just a pragmatic clinical category then that Jews are researched a failure because we are studying something doesn't really exist so what she's recommending is actually stepping back from the DSM from these pregnant a clinical psychoses and trying to deconstruct how patient mental illness what are signs and symptoms are to try to relate them to add more fundamental you're a logical functions and then try to really like a few is nothing short of completely re categorizing all of mental illness along biological lines and then using that as a guide towards genetic and your scientific studies function right which is fine I think its a research approach that's all fine if you remember we recently interviewed Heather Berlin who does a CD research is no scientist and that's exactly what she said

Is that were trying to get really reduction is to try to figure out what fundamental unit of neurological function of behavior is really going on here what's the neurological corlateanu in time with that and let's try to study that rather than studying entire clinical syndromes with your mission ash Ave probably many different things hey discussion very interesting I think though what happened to miss a thing Thomas into way too far in his criticism of the DSN dad did misunderstand the context of the DS and it is a clinical document not really supposed to be a guide for research on so I think it's appropriate residency do you some sort of purpose because it is more prepared to say that it shouldn't be using the strait jacket for research it probably shouldn't even be use a straight jacket for your insurance company reimbursement maybe not even FDA drug indication that old does need to be rethought I also totally agree that the DSM diagnoses may not be biologically real entities discrete entities and their van but we know that you know that clinical diagnosis are placeholders that's what we call something until we understand the pathophysiology and what's interesting is that if you look at past back at the last hundred years of medical history this happens over and over again we started out with a clinical scheme of diagnosis just describing what we see I might get tons of examples in the two black p**** right about this to anyone for example is muscular dystrophies you have entities like fascio scapulohumeral muscular dystrophy or live in girdle muscular dystrophy just describing where people are weak I miss is it completely defined clinically insane heritage age of onset Italian hair patterns of inheritance and pattern of weakness another new clinical signs occur NFS for 50 60 70 years we start to actually understand the genetic mutations and how those genetic mutations translate into specific dystrophies a lot of those messages free categorized along genetic line now we turn now we have to be categorized in based upon their genetic mutation not their clinical presentation so the same thing will probably eventually happen more and more to psychiatry just hasn't happened yet again so make appointment with beef in promising for years a decade biological markers blood test to see how this person actually has autism or schitozophrenia

Just hasn't happened yet cancel that appointment with we've been promising for years a decade biological markers blood test to see how this person actually has autism earth friendly a supposed to just wanted to just not coming he's blaming that on the DSM I think it's more that because mental illness is horrific Lee complicated I think these are there were not going to have clean categories because there are no clean categories they don't exist did he said he's on how early I see at the edges think about the controversy that we had over the categorization of Pluto a planet burst 12th planet & trying to decide which line is between a planet and 12th planet right up to 5000 that's what you're talking about with mental disorders but its not only are they are hundreds of disorders such as one thing cleaner to clean it but there's multiple variables by which you can you think about it to find them and they don't a break out in any kind of clean way so you have all this overlap and all this fuzziness Anders just know there's never going to be a clean system I think of things at the extreme biological into the spectra were 50 years were going to have a completely revamped biological scheme of defining meant to live I think that rather go eat you always always going to be clinical criteria mixed in there because these about we may find genetic predisposition to do I don't think we're going to find genetic one gene mutation one disease kind of genetic disease activity found most of those other many biological markers and maybe a summarized markers that tell you would choose likely to have a disease or the probability of having a diagnosis the clinical manifestations you're going to be so variable that it's still going to find any easy categorization system and while I don't think I don't think the DSM is going to survive without massive changes over the next 50 years me to give it is a very much a dynamic document to change all the time I think that it will include more and more logical and no scientific markers were never going to completely get away from clinical diagnosis so it's easier to get very interesting science in general how do we define think how to categorize things ended medicine you know what is the approach that we take this so-called Dr House approach is very far from what actually happens in medicine most of the time country that one magical very specific diagnosis and want to find it we can share it you know that that happens but it's much more the exception to the rule it's more that we just take this is what may be going on and then everything else is probability respurces benefit from there Stephen city you using terms like entities I know why you using me to get the new context home discussion in the back of my mind the arguments from the Scientologists who are of course the enemies of psychiatry
