SGU Episode 293

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SGU Episode 293
February 23rd 2011
(brief caption for the episode icon)

SGU 292                      SGU 294

Skeptical Rogues
S: Steven Novella

B: Bob Novella

J: Jay Novella

E: Evan Bernstein


JB: Joshie Berger

Quote of the Week

Microbiology and meteorology now explain what only a few centuries ago was considered sufficient cause to burn women to death.

Carl Sagan

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You're listening to the Skeptics' Guide to the Universe, your escape to reality.

S: Hello and welcome to the Skeptics' Guide to the Universe. Today is Wednesday, February 23rd 2011, and this is your host, Steven Novella. Joining me this week are Bob Novella...

B: Hey, everybody.

S: Jay Novella...

J: Hey, guys.

S: Evan Bernstein...

E: Hello, everyone.

S: And, we have a guest Rogue this week: Joshie Berger. Joshie, welcome to the Skeptics' Guide.

JB: Wow, what an honor to be here, sincerely.

S: (chuckles) Thanks.

J: Joshie!

S: Joshie is a active member of the New York City Skeptics, a comedian very active in the skeptical community, and is the recent winner of The Worst Cooks in America on the Food Channel, which is... quite something.

JB: It is quite something. Jay, first of all, thank you very much. Thank you, Steve. Uh, Bob. You know what? With my luck, I find out there's a hot funny girl on the show, and there I go. I end up with three brothers and a Jew. Yeah. My luck.


JB: Excellent.

S: Rebecca is having some back problems tonight and can't be on the show.

B: Feel better, Rebecca.

S: No relation to Joshie's appearance on the show.

J: (laughs)

JB: Riiight.

S/J: As far as you know.

E: As far as we know; right.

Guest Rogue: Joshie Berger (1:18)

S: So tell us, how did you end up winning this reality TV show? Tell us about that.

JB: Well, I ended up winning by cooking a fabulous dish. But, the real question, I assume, is how did I persevere over the other 15 contestants? And I guess, being in Yeshiva—for those that don't know, that's an Orthodox Jewish school for kids—for 18 years sort of prepares you for life better than other people, I mean... I guess it would be similar to having a Palestinan on the Fear Factor, right? I think they would win every time.


JB: Was that inappropriate? I'm sorry; I love my Palestinans—

B: No, it's a great analogy. No, but the truth be told, I grew up in a Kosher household; I grew up thinking that everything is disgusting that we don't eat. I would not kiss girlfriends that ate shrimp, and I was literally repulsed by it to the point that I couldn't look at it. I mean, I had one line that's being repeated online where I referred to shrimp as "cockroach on steroids". And I really think it is that; they're just... I mean, crustaceans, they're an abomination. I was taught that they were—

S: They're arthropods; they're in the same phylum as cockroaches.

E: They feed other fish that we do love, though.

JB: Yes. And a bunch of other words we didn't learn in Yeshiva.

This Day in Skepticism (13:22)

  • Feb 26 1616: Cardinal Bellarmine warned Galileo not to hold, teach, or defend the theory, that the Earth revolved around the Sun. A transcript filed by the 1633 Inquisition indicates he was also enjoined from either speaking or writing about his theory. Yet Galileo remained in conflict with the Church. He was eventually interrogated by the Inquisition in Apr 1633. On 22 Jun 1633, Galileo was sentenced to prison indefinitely, with seven of ten cardinals presiding at his trial affirming the sentencing order. Upon signing a formal recantation, the Pope allowed him to live instead under house-arrest. From Dec 1633 to the end of his life on 8 Jan 1641, he remained in his villa at Florence. To this day, 32% of Russians still believe the Sun goes around the earth

News Items

Internet Kill Switch (16:05)

Japan to Trawl for Space Junk (26:14)

Watson vs Jeopardy! Champions (37:32)

Lie to Me (46:24)

Who's That Noisy (54:26)

  • Answer to last week: Bernie Madoff

Questions and E-mails (56:24)

Question #1 - Lost Information

Hi guys been thinking about this question for a while, was wondering if you could help. As I understand it is said that matter cannot be destroyed only changed from one type of energy to another. My question is your brain holds lots of information such as skills, names and other day to day experiences. So when a person dies what happens to the information stored within the brain. I know you might not be able to answer the question but would like to know your response. P.S please rephrase the question if needed hope you get what I mean. Neil Pimlott Blackpool UK

Science or Fiction (1:00:07)

Item #1: Dark Matter vs MOND: A new study of gas-rich galaxies precisely matches the predictions of modified Newtonian Dynamics, lending support to this competing theory to Dark Matter. Item #2: Apex Predator vs Scavenger: A thorough survey of dinosaur fossils suggests that T. Rex was too numerous to be a top predator, and likely scavenged as well as hunted various game. Item #3: Impact vs Climate Change: Discovery by ground-penetrating radar of a clear impact crater in northern Canada dating to about 12 thousand years ago supports the hypothetical comet impact triggering the Younger Dryas extinction event.

Quote of the Week (1:17:09)

Microbiology and meteorology now explain what only a few centuries ago was considered sufficient cause to burn women to death.

Carl Sagan

Voice-over: The Skeptics' Guide to the Universe is produced by SGU Productions, dedicated to promoting science and critical thinking. For more information on this and other episodes, please visit our website at You can also check out our other podcast, The SGU 5x5, as well as find links to our blogs and the SGU forums. For questions, suggestions, and other feedback, please use the "Contact Us" form on the website, or send an email to If you enjoyed this episode, then please help us spread the word by leaving us a review on iTunes, Zune, or your portal of choice. 'Theorem' is performed by Kineto, and used with permission.


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