SGU Episode 940

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SGU Episode 940
July 15th 2023
940 Betelgeuse.jpg

"Betelgeuse may be larger and later in life than other scientists have calculated.
It could go supernova very soon." [1]

SGU 939                      SGU 941

Skeptical Rogues
S: Steven Novella

B: Bob Novella

E: Evan Bernstein


AJR: Andrea Jones-Rooy,
political, social, and data scientist

Quote of the Week

Every time you perform a magic trick, you’re engaging in experimental psychology. If the audience asks, "How the hell did he do that?" then the experiment was successful.

Teller, American magician

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Show Notes
Forum Discussion

Introduction, wildlife encounters, incl. Steve’s bear sighting(s)

Voice-over: You're listening to the Skeptics' Guide to the Universe, your escape to reality.

S: Hello and welcome to the Skeptics' Guide to the Universe. Today is Wednesday, July 12th, 2023, and this is your host, Steven Novella. Joining me this week are Bob Novella...

B: Hey, everybody!

S: Evan Bernstein...

E: Good evening, folks.

S: And we have two guests this week, George Hrabb.

G: Happy summer, people.

S: And Andrea Jones-Roy.

AJR: Hi, everyone. Great to be here.

S: Guys, welcome back to the show. Nice to have you. Jay and Cara are on different continents from us and each other. Cara's in Africa, Jay's in Greece right now.

AJR: The sun rarely sets on the SGU.

S: That's right.

E: Never.

S: We have listeners in all seven continents because somebody told us that they listened to us in Antarctica once.

E: Absolutely. More than once, yes.

S: Yeah.

AJR: Awesome.

S: And Under the Sea of Japan in the Submarine was one.

E: Yep. And the Persian Gulf. Someone was patrolling the Persian Gulf.

B: Yeah, but didn't they discover that other continent by New Zealand? I don't think anyone's on that one.

S: Zeelandia? We also need somebody to listen to us on the International Space Station.

AJR: Right.

E: Yeah, when will that happen? Yes.

G: I'll get on that.

E: And eventually, Moonbase Alpha. And then we'll...

S: And eventually, Moonbase Alpha.

E: Oh my gosh. Then we'll be a solar system-wide podcast.

S: So I sent you guys all this video and your reaction was as predicted. So one of the running stories that we got going on the show is our wildlife encounters. And Cara's always cute because she thinks that we live in the woods, you know? Because there's trees surrounding my house. But the thing that's funny is it's getting harder and harder to make fun of her for that because it's like the wilderness is encroaching so much. So this was on Sunday, a few days ago, middle of the afternoon, broad daylight, my dog starts barking. Jay's, I'm watching Jay's dog while he's in Greece. So I have both dogs in the house. They're both inside. They both start barking at the deck through the glass sliding glass door to the deck in a way that let me know this was nothing, this was something unusual. This was not their usual bark.

E: Yes, a dog's bark has a communication to it, absolutely. My dogs do the same thing.

S: But it could be, it could be a raccoon. It could be something else.

G: Mormons. Mormons.

S: Could be Mormons. And there's a bear on my deck. Black bear.

E: Black bear.

S: Black bear. So this is now the third time that there has been a black bear encounter on my property.

E: You need to put up a sign to keep them out.

AJR: Yeah, no bears allowed.

E: Exactly.

S: I'll do it.

AJR: I don't know. Do they speak Italian bears? I don't know.

S: Black bear? I don't know. So that's three times, I've been in my house for about 25 years. This is my third bear encounter in the last four years. So clearly an uptick. So there's one a few years ago. It was again during the day. It knocked over the birdseed and it scared itself and ran away, basically.

AJR: That's what birdseed is for.

S: It was at nighttime. Again, dog barking at the deck. Thought it was probably a raccoon. Flipped on the light. There's a black bear standing on the railing of my deck trying to get at the suet, the bird food. This time, broad daylight, it's on the deck, the dogs are going crazy. This bear was chill. He did not, he was not skittish at all. At some point, you guys saw on the video, he like bears his teeth at the dogs, puts his paw on the glass. And he wasn't going anywhere.

B: Lights up a cigarette.

S: Yeah. We could scare them away fairly easily. The other thing is it's July. We almost always have bear sightings either in the neighbourhood or somewhere in the spring when they're just coming out of hibernation and they're really jonesing for food. In the middle of the summer, you don't see them so much. Then they get active again when they're bulking up to go back into hibernation, like in the fall. But this is unusual. I've never had a bear sighting in July. So yeah, I was then I'm thinking, what are we supposed to do here?

B: Take a video and send it to your family.

S: I did.

AJR: Live stream it.

S: The previous two times they were gone too quickly. Well, we actually did get a little bit of a video. The first one, the second one was too fast. This one, he was there for like five, 10 minutes.

AJR: He was enormous, Steve. I was really surprised.

G: How big do you think he was? How heavy do you think he was, Steve?

S: I mean, that was actually the smallest of the three black bears that I've seen on our property. The last one was a lot bigger. I think he might be a yearling.

B: 80 pounds?

S: No, no. That bear is probably 200 pounds.

E: So the third one was just right.

B: Well, geez. I mean three times the weight of your dog. Yeah, I guess.

B: Oh, totally.

E: 300 pounds, sure.

G: I think it was Jocelyn's hands were holding the door shut.

S: Yeah.

G: Just frantically pulling the door shut, like, please don't.

AJR: So what did you do?

S: Well, I put the board there so that she didn't have to do that. Then I closed the garage door because we have garbage cans in the garage.

G: And bears like Teslas, we all know that.

S: And the door from the garage to where we were, like in the family room there, would not keep that bear out. You guys saw that video of a bear just blowing the door open on a house and walking in.

G: So how did it conclude? What happened?

S: All right. So it could not get the bear to go away. It was obviously looking for the bird seed. So we have like this half-size aluminium can on the deck for the bird seed. And we have a big heavy rock on top of it, which is enough to keep out all animals except bears. So the only one strong enough to get that stone off. He had knocked it over, but the lid didn't come off. It was just sort of like it was stuck on the top of it. So he was like nosing around that for a while. He eventually got it off, but then didn't see that. I think once he figured out that the dogs weren't going to be able to bother him through the glass, he just ignored them from that point forward. And so I went upstairs because there's the bathroom window that overlooks the deck. I could see him from there. Took some more pictures. And then I said, all right, the bear's going out.

G: I'm going to shake my fist like you won't believe.

S: I yelled at him like he didn't care. So then I had to find something. There was nothing at hand. I got a bottle of saline or something, something heavy. I threw it at him, hit him in the ass. Nothing. I threw something else at him. Second time. And then he just like moseyed away. Like you know what I mean? He was just like whatever. This is boring. And then he went through the backyard, started sniffing some of the─

B: I'm not leaving because you asked me to.

S: I just choose to go. And then he went to the neighbours. You have to call the neighbour like there's a black bear coming your way make sure that they were inside. And then eventually he left probably went back into the woods.

G: Is there someone to call? Is there some kind of contingency in your town or something? Like what do you do?

E: The Simpsons had the bear patrol.

S: Last time we called animal services or whatever and they said they just noted it. They didn't do anything. They didn't send anybody. They just recorded it as a black bear sighting in Hamden, Connecticut and that was it.

B: My big fear, Steve, if I were you, I'd be a little nervous, quite nervous. I mean, imagine that those two dogs were outside when he decided to show up.

AJR: Well, I was just thinking that.

B: The question is, would he have like done a U-turn or went around your property or would he have moseyed in the property? I mean, he, that's scary, man. Like, holy crap, he would take out a dog without much effort, I don't think, right?

E: A dog should be faster than a bear to get away.

S: Black bears generally are skittish because even if they can win in a fight, it's not worth the risk. If they get a bite or something, they could get infected and die. It's just not worth the risk for them, so they go for the low-hanging fruit. Unless they're desperate, unless they're protecting cubs or they're really desperate for food, then they start to get more and more.

B: Or they're not a big fan of the show, you know that too?

S: Yeah, there is that.

AJR: They're more into wellness culture, but yeah.

S: So I looked up the laws in Connecticut, by the way, what are the laws regarding black bears in Connecticut? First of all, there's been a massive uptick in sightings and encounters. This is not just a coincidence, I've had three encounters in the last couple of years. And Connecticut's the only state in the region that doesn't allow bear hunting. The surrounding states all have a hunting season for black bears.

E: Probably not enough of them to─

G: Let's go live in Connecticut, Boo-Boo. It's safe.

S: Half of the bear encounters are because of garbage, and 25% are because of bird feeders. That's my problem. But you are allowed to kill a bear if they attack you or your pets. If they're attacking people or pets, you're allowed to kill them. And farmers are allowed to kill them if they attack their crops or their livestock. Other than that, you're not allowed to feed them and you're not allowed to hunt them or to kill them. But I know that if bears do get too bold in their interactions, if they do attack anything, or if they come into your house, they'll put them down. Otherwise, they may move them, but they think they're not really doing that anymore because they don't have any place to send them.

AJR: Oh, I was going to say, yeah.

S: This is the big problem is that we've encroached so much on their habitat and there really isn't that much space to move them to. Where are we going to move them to? There's more suburbs, so they just don't do anything.

G: So Steve, what would be your go-to weapon in your house?

S: Well, I'm thinking about it. What would I do? There's a couple of things. I think what I might want to get at hand.

B: Noon checks?

S: I do have, no, I have a paintball gun. And that would hurt them, I think. It's not going to physically-

G: Well, scare them.

S: That'll, you shoot them in the ass with a paint pellet, they'll feel it.

B: Those ass shots hurt, man. Although the fur would probably attenuate a bit.

S: But still, I think that might be a little bit better. If I had to kill it, I do have a crossbow in my house.

AJR: Wow. Please get someone to film that if it-

G: No katana?

S: I have a katana, but I would probably prefer the ranged weapon to the katana. That's more of a desperation maneuver, breaking out a katana.

E: I use my bare knuckles.

AJR: So is it all habitat encroachment? Is that the whole story?

S: Yeah. Yeah, mostly. And so there's a dramatic increase in small critters, right? And that attracts the predators. The other thing that's on a dramatic increase in Connecticut, and I'm sure just regionally, is coyotes. And-

E: [inaudible] in my neighbourhood.

B: We saw a baby, mid-sized baby adolescent outside my mom's back window for the first time in my life living in Connecticut. I have never seen a coyote.

G: A coyote. Wow.

B: I've seen foxes.

S: Their populations that have exploded. So about a week ago, I saw a coyote like 20 feet maybe in front of my car, just walked across the street. There's a hundred percent of coyote. And by coincidence, this morning in the bath, I get six o'clock in the morning, I'm getting up and getting ready for my day, I'm on the bathroom, and I hear howling from outside. So I open up the window to listen to it, and there was like five or six creatures yipping and howling.

E: Oh, yeah.

S: It's a hundred percent they were coyotes.

E: No doubt.

S: Because first of all, it was coming from the woods, I know all the dogs in my neighbourhood, you know what I mean? There's no reason why there would be five or six dogs all together yipping and howling.

E: Oh, it has a certain pitch frequency to it.

B: There's no reason for them to start in a spontaneous a cappella group or anything?

AJR: Barbershop.

E: I hear them at night is when I hear them.

S: Yeah. This was six in the morning. I'm very familiar with the sound of coyotes howling because I play Red Dead Redemption 2. They have a pretty sophisticated sort of nature simulator in the game where they have lots of animals and they're very realistic, including the noises. So if you play that game, you totally know what coyotes sound like.

E: So it's a nature lesson.

S: It is. This is 100% coyotes. So there's a whole group of them just howling in the woods this morning at six o'clock.

AJR: So Cara has been right this whole time. You are just in the wilderness, or really, we've taken over wilderness.

S: I'm surrounded on two sides by woods and they're pretty deep, but if you keep going, you get to another road though. I mean, it's not that big. But yeah, there's a lot of wilderness. I looked it up too. Coyote populations are exploding everywhere basically. They're just really, really well adapted to human civilization. They do well in the cities, in the suburbs, in the rural areas.

E: Which means you got to watch your pets. Watch your dogs. Watch your cats.

AJR: So a news item that I actually considered for this week had to do with a wolf that was either spotted or hunted somewhere that it wasn't normally expected to be found. And it was a mix of like, oh, wow, this is kind of exciting because of population dynamics and they can survive here. But then it was also like, oh, maybe this is very concerning, depending on your point of view.

S: Well, that's part of the reason for the explosion in coyotes is because we killed a lot of the wolves. And they're just filling the space. I don't mind the coyotes because they pretty much keep to themselves. They eat a lot, mostly rodents. They did an analysis of coyote scat and it was like, yeah, 98% of their food is basically animals.

AJR: Can they come to New York City and that might be the rat-sar solution.

S: Well, they are already. I remember a few years ago we read there was a study that estimated there were 70,000 coyotes in Chicago.

AJR: Oh.

B: Yeah. I remember that science or fiction or something we talked about in the show. I was like, what?

E: Fiction.

S: So they're doing well. The other thing we talked about recently was that the mountain lions are moving east. In 10 years, we may have them to deal with too.

AJR: Wow.

E: Well, then they'll come up against the bears and maybe that will.

AJR: And meanwhile, we'll be all under water anyway. So it's the piranhas.

G: It'll be dolphins and sharks.

AJR: Yeah. Man.

S: I know. The other two I thought were just quirks. With this encounter, because the fact is that bear was not skittish. He was perfectly comfortable facing off against those dogs. He was not scared away by people. You know what I mean? That's not good.

B: This wasn't his first rodeo.

S: That's not good. He's acclimated to people's homes. That's when it gets scary.

AJR: I mean, him pawing at the door was chilling.

S: So now I'm like, all right, how do I have to change my behaviour now? Because we generally leave our garage door open because that's where we let the dog in and out. And that's where we also have our garbage. Maybe we can't do that anymore.

B: Do they need to capture him and tie him to the chair and hold his eyes open with the drops and the classical music in the background? We got to re-acclimate him to the nature?

S: I don't know. Yeah. Got to reprogram him. No, for those bears, they either move them or put him down when they get too comfortable with people.

G: You have to name them something so you can just refer to him. You need some kind of a name.

AJR: Barney.

E: The name is taken to the dinosaur.

AJR: Right. Barney is for dinosaurs.

S: All right. Well, we'll keep our listeners updated if you have any more interesting wildlife encounters. In Pennsylvania, Georgia, what kind of wildlife encounters do you have?

G: In Bethlehem, we have foxes that are actually really cool. There's a big cemetery that's here and there's a couple foxes that live there. They're just classy and cool. There's something about it. You see a fox in the distance, kind of looks over at you. You look over at the fox. You both acknowledge each other. You're just like, yeah, this is kind of cool. And they go back to their business. We have a lot of deer. I've hit, I think, since in my couple of decades living here, I think I've hit three deer.

B: Me too. I'm at three. Yeah.

G: You're at three.

AJR: Badly, like, damaged, killed, injured?

G: No. One was looking at me funny. And I was just like, look, man. I'm just trying to have a good time. I'm just in a restaurant. Just leave me alone. No. Yeah, a car. One was on a highway, ran out into me. The other one was also on like a little side road. And they just bolted out and hit the side of my car. And they're just massive. Just massive.

E: They could take a hit, too.

AJR: They could really kill people. Kill themselves.

G: Yeah, we got raccoons and stuff like that. But yeah, nothing. No bears, thankfully. Thankfully, no bears yet. But just give it time. Just give it time.

S: Yeah, we got all that. We had one sighting of a fisher cat. You guys ever encounter one of those?

G: A fisher cat?

B: I have heard of them. They're tough, man.

S: They're tough, yeah. You recognize it mainly by its call. If you ever watch a UK TV show and they're canned soundtrack for nighttime. It's different than in the United States. When it's nighttime on a TV show in the US, what do you have? You have crickets and frogs or whatever. In the UK, I noticed they have fisher cats screeching in the background.

G: Fischer cats and teacups.

S: Background noise. It's like a child screaming kind of noise.

E: Oh, great. Can one get any sleep in that country?

B: Wow.

AJR: Maybe they find crickets absurdly distracting, whereas I let them. They blend in.

B: Does it sound kind of like this? [plays a scream]

S: I should insert this noise at this point in the show, so probably I'll do that. [plays fisher cat sound] Again, if you play Red Dead Redemption, it's every time it's nighttime and they're screeching in the background like that's a fisher cat.

AJR: You get a zoology degree at the end of that game.

S: You could.

G: Did you hear the story that the USPGA, the people that were broadcasting golf, were broadcasting bird sounds over footage, but it wasn't the local birds? People noticed and complained where they were saying, you're using the wrong birds. These birds wouldn't be in Florida. Basically, there's the wrong soundtrack during this big golf tournament. They had to get the right birds into it.

B: That's awesome.

G: You can't get away with anything.

E: Of course, yeah, people would notice that if you're in a heartbeat.

AJR: I read today about an app. It was like, are you sick of social media? I said, yes. Well, download this other app where basically it's kind of like a Shazam for nature where you put it in your yard and it tells you what kind of birds are doing the bird calls or if it's a squirrel or if it's a whatever.

E: Identify it, yeah.

AJR: I was like, I think I need that.

E: That's pretty neat.

AJR: It would just be rats. Can I talk about rats some more? It would just be rats.

Dumbest Thing of the Week (18:54)

  • [url_from_show_notes _article_title_] [2]

  • Meteors and Alien Craft

News Items






(laughs) (laughter) (applause) [inaudible]

Leqembi for Alzheimer's (35:07)

Jeffrey Epstein Not Murdered (48:48)

When Will Betelgeuse Supernova? (1:02:51)

Can AI Solve Math Problems? (1:16:00)


Science or Fiction (1:36:49)

Item #1: A new paper estimating the number of planets in the Milky Way with liquid water increases the estimate by 100 fold from prior estimates, up to one planet per system on average.[6]
Item #2: A new bionic arm for an above-the-elbow amputation allows the user to control individually each finger of the hand using only connections with the remaining muscles.[7]
Item #3: In an example of convergent evolution, new DNA analysis finds that the pygmy right whale is actually a porpoise.[8]

Answer Item
Fiction Pygmy right whale
Science 100x more planets w/ water
New bionic arm
Host Result
Steve win
Rogue Guess
New bionic arm
New bionic arm
New bionic arm
Pygmy right whale

Voice-over: It's time for Science or Fiction.

Andrea's Response

George's Response

Bob's Response

Evan's Response

Steve Explains Item #1

G: ... H-2-whoa!

Steve Explains Item #2

Steve Explains Item #3

Skeptical Quote of the Week (1:51:38)

Every time you perform a magic trick, you're engaging in experimental psychology. If the audience asks, "How the hell did he do that?" then the experiment was successful.

 – Teller (1948-present), American musician 

Signoff & Announcements (1:57:49)

S: —and until next week, this is your Skeptics' Guide to the Universe.

S: Skeptics' Guide to the Universe is produced by SGU Productions, dedicated to promoting science and critical thinking. For more information, visit us at Send your questions to And, if you would like to support the show and all the work that we do, go to and consider becoming a patron and becoming part of the SGU community. Our listeners and supporters are what make SGU possible.


Today I Learned

  • Fact/Description, possibly with an article reference[9]
  • Fact/Description
  • Fact/Description


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