Template:Draft SoF entry

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|colspan ="4" style="background:#CCD9EA;"|[[SGU Episode {{{episode}}}|SGU {{{episode}}}]] |- |style="width:1%"|1 |style="width:80%"|{{{SoF1}}} |style="width:1%;text-align: center"| - |

{{{SoF1 answer}}}

|- |2 |{{{SoF2}}} |style="text-align: center"|- |

{{{SoF2 answer}}}

|- |3 |{{{SoF3}}} |style="text-align: center"|- |

{{{SoF3 answer}}}


Formatted entries to SoF table


  • episode – episode number
  • SoF1 – Item number one
  • SoF1 link – Link associated with item number one
  • SoF1 Rogue – Rogue(s) that picked this item, if no-one picked it, enter "not picked"
  • SoF1 answer – Answer: Science/Fiction
  • SoF2 – Item number two
  • SoF2 link – Link associated with item number two
  • SoF2 Rogue – Rogue(s) that picked this item, if no-one picked it, enter "not picked"
  • SoF2 answer – Answer: Science/Fiction
  • SoF3 – Item number three
  • SoF3 link – Link associated with item number three
  • SoF3 Rogue – Rogue(s) that picked this item, if no-one picked it, enter "not picked"
  • SoF3 answer – Answer: Science/Fiction


{{Draft SoF entry
|episode     =382
|SoF1        = Curiosity's atmospheric analyzer has confirmed the presence of methane in the Martian atmosphere, keeping hope of Martian life alive.
|SoF1 link   = http://www.southernencounter.co.nz/seanews_whatsnew.htm
|SoF1 Rogue  = Rebecca, Evan & Bob
|SoF1 answer = Fiction
|SoF2        = A new computer model supports the grandmother hypothesis - that grandmothers provide a fertility advantage to their daughters, thereby driving the evolution of longevity.
|SoF2 link   = http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v491/n7423/full/491162b.html
|SoF2 Rogue  = Not picked
|SoF2 answer = Science
|SoF3        = Physicists have created a device with a refractive index of zero, meaning that the phase velocity of light within the device is effectively infinite. 
|SoF3 link   = http://news.sciencemag.org/sciencenow/2012/11/infintely-fast-light.html?ref=hp
|SoF3 Rogue  = Jay
|SoF3 answer = Science


{{Draft SoF entry
|episode     =
|SoF1        = 
|SoF1 link   = 
|SoF1 Rogue  = 
|SoF1 answer = Science/Fiction
|SoF2        = 
|SoF2 link   = 
|SoF2 Rogue  = 
|SoF2 answer = Science/Fiction
|SoF3        = 
|SoF3 link   = 
|SoF3 Rogue  = 
|SoF3 answer = Science/Fiction