Help:Episode infobox

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Template:Draft infoBox

This is an example of the input for the infobox. Variables marked with an asterix can be left blank, removing them from the infobox.

Insert Links for guests and quote authors where possible.

The name of the episode icon is given by "File:" plus the name of the image used in the episode show notes.

If left blank, 'previous' and 'next' automate to the previous/next SGU episodes. To override this, you can enter the number of the previous/next episodes in the sequence.

|episodeTitle  = SGU Episode 3594
|episodeDate   = 34<sup>th</sup> February 2024
|episodeIcon   = File:LogoSGU.png
|previous      = 1        
|next          = 355    
|rebecca       = y *
|bob           = y *
|jay           = y *
|evan          = y *
|perry         = y *
|guest1        = JR: [ James Randi] *
|guest2        = RW: [ Richard Wiseman] *
|guest3        = PP: [ Phil_Plait] *
|qowText       = quote of the week text *
|qowAuthor     = quote of the week author *
|downloadLink  = *
|notesLink     = *
|forumLink     = *